
Southern Snow!


mmHmm....it snowed today in nashville and it was quite a treat! despite the fact that I was stuck in the males dorm for a large part of the day, ahhh but freedom was so sweet this night. anything and everything that people could use, they used to get down the giant slope behind the garage (don't worry you don't know what that is). These posts really have nothing to do with what I am saying, but enjoy them nonetheless! kisses my non-existent cult!



So gorgeous gnome had a show on miz fabulous' bday and half of us was there. He was splendid as always and looked very wonderful. The line-up included the following, and listen at your own will:
Pretty Orphan
The Bunnies
North Hampton
The Pursuits...<3
Not really sure what the other half was doing, but I know that she is thinking freedom.beauty.truth.love 2010....!


Happy Birthday Miss Erin Carroll!!! (i would get you all of this and wrap it in a huge hot air balloon if i had a personal genie)

It's Erin Gorgeous Carroll's Birthday Today!!!! Hellz Yeah!! She is the best friend anyone could ever ask for so this day and all its postings are dedicated to her! I love you Crazy Girl!

Everywhere but the Saloon

The one in the feathered fedora is the issue for half of Franny and Zooey. The night was filled with line dancing and no liquor drinking. Nude karaoke and bubbles made of flesh...well that might be a bit of an exageration!


Coming Back....

So....no one really reads this...actually a check at the cult tells me that definitely no one reads this...however I have decided to follow my inner, whatever is inside me and begin again. This time it is going to be a little different, I hope you all like it...HA! wait there is no one who cares! So I don't give a hu-hot I am going to speak my mind and be completely at ease about it. Hillz Yeah Mother Fooker!!